2 Best Practices of Cold Storage Management Philippines

BEst Practices of cold storage warehousing management - Logicore

1. Control Heat Exchange

The challenge to store different perishable goods in the same warehouse can be coped up by creating a barrier between the individual temperature zones. The flow of energy in the form of heat should be carefully controlled to prevent its movement from high-temperature areas to lower-temperature zones.

2. Proper Personal Equipment

Making sure that employees have the appropriate gear for a cold storage zone should also be considered. Providing them comfortable coats, insulated pants, gloves, and other equipment can improve efficiency throughout the cold storage warehouse.

The demand for cold storage warehousing is growing but the labor to man these facilities aren’t. With LogiCore, Inc. you can get the best result in managing a cold storage warehouse while prioritizing the shelf-life of our client’s temperature-sensitive products.

If you are in need of a cold room facility, then LogiCore Inc. can be your provider of solutions and partner in success!

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