Safety: The New Normal Business Sustainability

Safety Office doing Site Check - Certified Safe at Logicore Inc.

As COVID-19 continues to shake every industry, logistics companies are no exemptions. Adjustments to a new normal regulations are the route to go. The global economy relies on supply chain management. The world can’t survive without logistics businesses. But keeping everyone safe without major business disruption should be on top of the list.

According to a study by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology’s Center for Transportation and Logistics and the Council of Supply Chain Management Professionals that was published on Wall Street Journal, companies shift in focusing on safety. The number of respondents on the survey said, priority on employee welfare and safety for their companies rose 10% from 2019.

In the Philippines, logistics companies like LogiCore Inc. has also improved safety guidelines as it drives more business results and reduces any risk factors. Safety is the new #RoadToTheFuture.

LogiCore builds series of strategic plans on safety implementation while keeping the pace of quality service. According to the Bien Balili, Assistant General Manager of LogiCore Inc., getting the employees engaged and involved plays a pivotal role in ensuring safety and quality operations.

“We instill awareness and responsibility to our employees. We’ve helped them create a habit through persistent reminders of safety policies and procedures. This habit results to a more efficient operation and safe working environment,” said Balili.

Meanwhile, in an interview with our Quality and Safety Manager, Juden Mangoba, she highlights the need for a proactive prevention. “We anticipate the scenario by prioritizing the most essential tasks and critical employees. The management determines which tasks have the highest priority,” said Mangoba, noting also that company measures are regularly monitored and updated based on government guidelines.

Mangoba also said that notable efforts were also made in keeping the employees engaged to the merits of getting vaccinated. To date, 90.9% of LogiCore Inc. employees have already received their first doses while 86.4% of employees have complete doses of vaccines.

The continuous investment to the health and safety of employees is the best tool to ensure that there will be no disruption in the business especially in adapting to the needs of the clients.

Balili assures that LogiCore has not experienced any business sustainability issues since the pandemic started March, 2020. “Clients have seen and experienced that we remain committed to their needs since the initial implementation of ECQ last year. It’s a clear manifestation that we at LogiCore Inc, will continue to aim for operational excellence no matter what.”

In fact, LogiCore is currently gearing towards exciting and new business expansions this year, to remain the ultimate provider of solutions and partner in success of every industry in the midst of the new normal.

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